A strong school is built on a strong foundation.
Medbury School welcomes your bequest, of any size. Every bequest makes an enduring and meaningful difference, supporting the School's vision. School fees and government grants cover only the essential running costs of the School. Philanthropic contributions, through donations and bequests, are therefore very important. These gifts help to fund a range of projects and programmes that otherwise would not be possible, including scholarships and bursaries, and major capital projects.
We invite you to consider including Medbury in your Will and to become a member of the Ripsford Society. Leaving a gift to Medbury is a powerful and lasting way to ensure the School's legacy lives on.
Leave a legacy of excellence. Speak with us about including Medbury School in your will and making a lasting contribution to the lives of future Medbury boys. Contact victoria.tait@medbury.school.nz
Bequest information