Counsellor Newsletters:

2024 Newsletters:

Edition 87: School TV: School Transitions
Edition 88: Talking with your child about the option of counselling support
Edition 89: This Way Up: online mental health resource
Edition 90: Managing Screen Time
Edition 91: SchoolTV: Social Media and Staying Safe online
Edition 92: Planning your holidays
Edition 93: Parenting today's kids: a course delivered in Mandarin
Edition 94: Pink Shirt Day: Friday 17 May 2024
Edition 95: Be an Upstander
Edition 96: Conversations and Connections Part 1: Make time to talk and connect
Edition 97: Conversations and Connections Part 2: Listening and Acknowledging
Edition 98: July is Mindfulness Month
Edition 99: Conversations and Connections Part 3: Be prepared to have difficult conversations

2023 Newsletters:

Edition 70: Talking about the year ahead
Edition 71: Stepping back to support your child
Edition 72: Size of the Problem
Edition 73: The power of our pets
Edition 74: A culture of kindness and inclusiveness
Edition 75: Crusade with Heart and I am Hope
Edition 76: Wellbeing and Sleep
Edition 77: Listening to families resources
Edition 78: 4 Steps for clear communication
Edition 79: Thoughts, Facts and Emotions
Edition 80: Snitching vs. Reporting
Edition 81: Mental Health Awareness Week 2023
Edition 82: Fill your cup; you cannot drink from an empty cup
Edition 83: More resources added: Listening to Families
Edition 84: All emotions are helpful
Edition 85: Wellbeing Resources: A traffic light approach
Edition 86: Support over the holidays

2022 Newsletters:

Edition 50: Positively managing change and uncertainty
Edition 51: Talking with your son about the option of counselling support
Edition 52: Supporting your son with his technology use #1 John Parsons' advice
Edition 53: Events in Ukraine: Ways to support your son
Edition 54: Supporting your son with his technology use #2 Adults need to lay the foundations
Edition 55: Supporting your son with his technology use: #3 Setting up Social Media Safely
Edition 56: Supporting your son with his technology use: #4 Screen time is about balance
Edition 57: Supporting your son with his technology use: #5 Getting back to basics
Edition 58: Laughter really is the best medicine
Edition 59: Parenting Courses through Mana Ake 2022
Edition 60: Prioritising Sleep
Edition 61: Planning for Change
Edition 62: The Hand Model of the Brain: Part One - how the model works
Edition 63: The Queen's passing: taking time to talk with your son
Edition 64: Talking about change, grief and loss
Edition 65: MHERC Free Webinar Series: What's going on for my child or teen?
Edition 66: The Hand Model of the Brain: Part Two - quick tips to bring the brain back online
Edition 67: Mental Health Services: Videos to help understanding
Edition 68: The Gift of Christmas
Edition 69: Support over the holidays

2021 Newsletters:

Edition 30: It's the little things
Edition 31: Being the best friend you can be - listening skills
Edition 32: Being the best friend you can be - active kindness
Edition 33: Setting SMART Goals
Edition 34: Anxiety is normal
Edition 35: Anxiety: Challenging unhelpful thoughts
Edition 36: Anxiety: Supporting a child with separation anxiety
Edition 37: Parenting Courses through Mana Ake
Edition 38: Anxiety: practical tools to help your son to cope with anxious feelings
Edition 39: Food for thought … and wellbeing
Edition 40: Coping with events beyond our control
Edition 41: Lockdown support for parents
Edition 42: Creating positive body image in boys
Edition 43: Promoting positive body image in boys: Let’s talk about food
Edition 44: Promoting positive body image in boys: Let's talk about exercise
Edition 45: Promoting positive body image in boys: Let's talk about social media
Edition 46: Promoting positive body image in boys: Let's talk about positive messages
Edition 47: Helping your son to manage disappointment
Edition 48: Parenting tips for nurturing resilience and preparing for teenagers!
Edition 49: Support over the holidays

2020 'Aristotle at Home' Newsletters:

Newsletter 1: Aristotle at home - Gratitude, Mindfulness and Soothing Box
Newsletter 2: Aristotle at home - Exploring our emotions and looking after ourselves
Newsletter 3: Aristotle at home - Exploring our feelings and tracking our emotions
Newsletter 4: Aristotle at home - Coping with our feelings as we move into Level One
Newsletter 5: Aristotle at home - Worries are normal and we can manage them effectively
Newsletter 6: Aristotle at home - Belonging
Newsletter 7: Aristotle at home - Emotional Intelligence and Managing Stress

2020 Newsletters:

Edition 14: Creating a positive start to the year
Edition 15: Taking an active role in your son's device use - Part One
Edition 16: Taking an active role in your son's device use - Part Two
Edition 17: Making time to talk
Edition 18: The power of breathing
Edition 19: The power of mindfulness
Edition 20: The power of gratitude
Edition 21: The power of self-reflection
Edition 22: Settling back into school
Edition 23: 'Imagine' - Reflections on the Year 8 Production
Edition 24: Looking after yourselves - Parents, Caregivers and Guardians
Edition 25: Finding the fun in emotions
Edition 26: The power of our words
Edition 27: Thinking about kindness
Edition 28: Reflecting on the year that has been
Edition 29: Support over the holidays

2019 Newsletters:

Edition 1: Sense of Purpose
Edition 2: Start of Term Check In
Edition 3: Goal Setting
Edition 4: Positive Conversations - Part One
Edition 5: Positive Conversations - Part Two: Learning from Experiences
Edition 6: What is right with you?
Edition 7: What is right with you? Part Two: Character Strengths
Edition 8: Positive Accomplishments - Part One: Developing a kind inner voice
Edition 9: Positive Accomplishments - Part Two: Growth Mindset
Edition 10: School Camp: Benefits and Challenges
Edition 11: Examinations: Part of the Learning Journey
Edition 12: Our boys can be leaders everyday - Part One
Edition 13: Our boys can be leaders everyday - Part Two